- Visitors to this website are encouraged to use YourStatsGuru as a source of expert advice and knowledge. Whilst every effort is undertaken to provide the best and most rigorous academically correct possible quality of advice and information, YourStatsGuru cannot be held liable for what a visitor chooses to do with the contents of this website, including (but not limited to) using model predictions for the purposes of gambling.
- YourStatsGuru takes no responsibility for the accuracy or performance of any models detailed/referred to on this website or on social media.
- Under no circumstances will YourStatsGuru provide a guarantee about a prediction derived from a model. No-one can legitimately guarantee a prediction, except one made about events where the outcome is already known.
- YourStatsGuru values academic integrity as paramount. As such, no negotiations will be entered into regarding the completion of an assessed piece of work on behalf of anyone. Plagiarism, the act of passing off someone else’s work as your own, will not be knowingly facilitated by YourStatsGuru.
- YourStatsGuru is not a replacement for institutional teaching. Students should not expect that YourStatsGuru can provide a replacement for secondary or tertiary classes (except by arrangement). Students are strongly encouraged to attend all their scheduled classes and to use the services of YourStatsGuru to supplement their institutional education.
- Teachers are encouraged to utilise YourStatsGuru’s services to support their classroom efforts and/or discuss the mathematics within the curriculum. We both want to see a competent, successful and happy student.
- YourStatsGuru is a former member of the Australian Tutoring Association and still follows their Code of Practice.
- The StatsGuru® previously held a Working With Children Checks while in Australia and complied with all required legislation regarding the teaching of minors.
- Whilst parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s tuition, their attendance throughout tutoring sessions is strongly discouraged as it typically interferes with the student’s willingness to admit to areas of academic weakness.
- The StatsGuru® is a former member of the Statistical Society of Australia Inc., the professional body for Statisticians in Australia.
- The StatsGuru® has been previously recognised as a Specialist Accredited Tutor by Accredited Tutor.
- The StatsGuru® is a former member of the Australian College of Educators.
- All face-to-face sessions previously took place at YourStatsGuru, 112 Garden Grove Drive, Mill Park.
- Online sessions take place through a video conference service, e.g. Zoom, Skype or FaceTime, unless otherwise arranged. Which service is to be used must be arranged at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the session.
- No warranty is provided for the quality of call/video signal for online sessions.
- If you are more than 15 minutes late to your session without prior notice, management reserves the right to cancel the remainder of your session, regardless of length.
- Non-attendance at a scheduled session will result in a “No Show” invoice being issued for the amount equivalent to a 1 hour booking or 50% of the fee for your scheduled appointment, whichever is greater.
- A cancellation fee, equivalent to a 1 hour booking or 50% of the fee for your scheduled appointment, may apply should you cancel your booking less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time (at discretion of management).
- Unless previously arranged, payment is required in full prior to the session commencing. Online sessions must be prepaid at least 48 hours prior to commencement of session. Payments can be made in Cash, via MasterCard, Visa or PayPal and also via Direct Deposit. Direct Deposit payments, unless otherwise arranged, must be made at least 48 hours in advance of scheduled starting time.
- Accounts more than seven (7) days overdue may be referred to a collection agency. In the event where an overdue account is referred to a collection agency and/or law firm, the payee will be liable for all costs which would be incurred as if the debt is collected in full, including legal demand costs.
Professional Standards
Professional Associations
Location and provision of services
Late, Non-attendance, Cancellation
Last updated: 2 November 2024